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Guaranteed RentGuaranteed RentGuaranteed Rent

Guaranteed Rent

Want to rent out your Prague flat?

Let us get it done. Entrust us with your investment property and enjoy a guaranteed income, regardless of tenants moving out or making late payments.

All responsibilities off your hands
Investment property management from A to Z
From tenant search to flat repairs
You get 100% of the rent, regardless of whether the flat is occupied or the tenant is paying
Learn More

Guaranteed Rent benefits:

All hassles off your hands

Have an investment flat but don’t feel like furnishing it, repairing it, or searching for tenants? Let us take care of it and go enjoy your free time. We’ll save up to 60 hours of your time.

Investment property management from A to Z

From listing your property and recording a virtual home tour to contract drafting and facility management (repairs, clean-ups, furnishing, and keeping an eye on energy bills).

Thorough tenant background check

We’ll find you a suitable prospect, do a home tour together, and run a detailed credit check on them. Solid tenants are rare to find, but it’s worth the search.


100% rent guarantee

Regardless of whether your flat remains vacant for a while, or the tenant is late with payments, you’ll get 100% of your rent. You have your stable income, no matter what.

What exactly will we take care of?

We’ll arrange a professional photo-shoot, record an impressive virtual home tour, and write a copy for the listing. Then, we’ll host the in-person home tours.

During the home tours, we’ll pick the best prospect and run a credit check on them, through seven different sources.

Drafting lease agreements or calculating advance payments for utilities is on us.

We’ll keep an eye on your property and send you periodic reports. If it needs any repairs, we’ll bring a repairer, sort the problem out and take care of the invoicing. We guarantee, when the tenant moves out, your flat will be in the same condition as before.

Even if your flat remains vacant for a while or the tenant is late with payments, we’ll stand in for it. You get 100% of your rent and a stable passive income, no matter what. Dodgers will be dismissed quickly.

Entrust professionals with your investment property

Let’s talk – for free, no strings attached

7 years

in the property management business


happy tenants who’ve found their home with us


managed properties, as of today

Up to 60 hours

of owners’ time spared annually

Frequently Asked Questions

We enter into a standard 1-3 year lease contract with the property owner. Each year, the contract is automatically renewed. The contract allows us to sublet your flat to third parties on clear, mutually agreed conditions with all the guarantees. We will make the conditions of entering into and withdrawing from the contract clear to you during our first meeting.

Under our mutual agreement, we are obligated to pay you your agreed monthly rent, even if your flat stays vacant for some time. The guarantee is effective from the day the first suitable tenant moves in. No need to worry about defaulters and rent arrears. If someone misses a payment, we’ll cover the rent. Bottom line – you get paid on time.

It may happen; however, we focus on nipping the problem in the bud by carefully pre-selecting your tenants. Our service package includes property insurance policy, which covers possible damage. We guarantee you’ll get your flat back unchanged.

Your prospects will be background-checked, both online in public registers and personally, with regard to your preferences and property’s character.

Your prospective tenant will be thoroughly checked in public registers and repeatedly interviewed before signing the lease contract. Your flat will be regularly checked based on a set schedule. Each check results in a documented property condition report. In case of any issue, it is on us to solve it, either by persuading the tenant or taking remedial measures and covering the damage. We have prepared an agreement with a reputable insurance company just for these kinds of situations.

Each flat is covered by a household insurance policy and a property damage liability insurance policy. Both policies have been renegotiated with the insurer so that they perfectly fit our business model.

We want to be fair to the owners of smaller, cheaper apartments. It wouldn’t be attractive for them to rent their property for a flat rate. When it comes to bigger flats, the insurance costs and vacancy coverage we pay are proportionally higher. A proportional service fee guarantees that you’ll be fully and fairly paid under any and all circumstances.

Z mého pohledu, jako majitele pronajímané nemovitosti, absolutně profesionální, rychlý a excelentní servis, bezproblémoví nájemníci, včasné platby, výborná spolupráce. Doporučuji.

Karel H.

Majitel bytu

Se službami jsem spokojen, i když spolupracujeme jen krátce. Peníze za nájem chodí včas. Jelikož nejsem z Prahy, tak mi díky tomu skončily starosti okolo pronájmu. Mají moji důvěru a svěřuji jim další svůj byt. Doporučuji všem, kdo se nechtějí dál zabývat hledáním vhodných nájemníků a chtějí si užívat volného času jiným způsobem než mít starosti s nájemníky.

Jaroslav K.

Majitel bytu

Má rodina vlastní několik bytů v Praze, a proto jsme vyhledali pomoc od firmy Tvůjspravce s.r.o. S jejich službami jsme nadmíru spokojeni. 10/10

Josef P.

Majitel bytu

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