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We are Bezrealitky

Disrupting the way people sell, rent, and look for their perfect new home in Czechia.

O nás

How it started

In 2007, few knew how digital business in the real estate industry would look. We were the pathfinders. Fast forward to 2022, and we’re the biggest Czech online platform that matches homeowners with prospects. With our history of know-how and resilience, we now arrange every fifth real estate transaction in Czechia. We’ve been doing business in Slovakia since 2019 and are about to expand to further European markets.

What Pushes Us Forward

Our mission is to make real estate transactions quicker, easier, and more user-friendly. With our services, homeowners can sell or rent their property on their own, while prospects can message them directly and make a deal with no commission.

With us, you have a choice

When selling or renting your home through our platform, you decide what you can handle on your own and what you’d rather do with professional assistance. Our services cover property listing, as well as legal services and comprehensive selling services.
For those who own an investment property in Prague, we also offer facility management services.

What we’re up to

We are continuing to make the real estate market transparent, fair, and simple. The goal and vision of the European Housing Services Group is to associate companies and well-experienced executive professionals in the real estate industry. We are a proud member of EHS.


Making a real difference in the real estate market since 2007.

Every day, we strive for a fair, transparent, and user-friendly real estate market. Every month, on average, we sell 800 properties and rent another 4,000.
Your home can be one of them.


years in business


pageviews every month


properties sold every year


rented every year


annual value of properties sold with us


commission money staying in your pocket every year

Interview with our CEO

Listen to our CEO Martin Ponzer talking on Bezrealitky services


Contact us

Bezrealitky s.r.o.

Karolinská 661/4
186 00 — Praha 8

Our databox: ebm2xx8

IČ 08063168, DIČ CZ08063168
Commercial Register kept by the Metropolitan Court in Prague, Section C, Entry 312155.